Original title: Lat den ratte komma in (Sweden, 2009) / Address: Tomas Alfredson / Cast: Kare Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson / Duration: 115 minutes
There are movies to which it is unfair to label or include in a genre. The Swedish Let the Right One In (English title to be sold worldwide) is a clear example. Because if we speak of it simply as "a vampire" would not only be giving a vague indication about the plot, but it would set aside their more important aspects.
Oskar is a 12 year old boy, lonely and withdrawn, a favorite target of the peer group of school bullies. Her parents separate lives with his mother in a cold building complex. A day (or night rather) comes to your neighborhood Elin, a mysterious girl he was gradually making friend. The girl in question turns out to be a vampire, but its existence is not very different from that of Oskar . Both are people who feel strange in the midst of the world they live. And suffered for it. So, will form an unusual bond, giving strength from each other to succeed.
As I said, it would be misleading to frame this film in the vampire subgenre. It would even be wrong to consider within the horror genre. Its central theme is loneliness and the possibility of finding someone to make us feel loved. Make us feel "human", paradoxically. No matter whether they are children of 12 years, and one is a vampire. That is almost secondary. In fact, although the movie has some awesome weather, it is difficult for the viewer to feel fear at some point. That dominates the film is a feeling of melancholy and loneliness.

The pace of the film is delinquent. So those looking for something along the lines of Twilight is going to bore a great time. I think local premiere tried a little ride in the wake of New Moon , but given the difference between sidereal Both proposals film, it was a strategy with a purely commercial base. This film is light years ahead of those teens poster. It is a story of dark characters, without charisma and physical attractiveness. But with soul ... Fortunately, there are films for which the word marketing does not enter the equation.