Original title: Moon (England, 2009) / Address: Duncan Jones / Cast: Sam Rockwell, Kevin Spacey / Duration: 97 mins.
When a few months ago I saw the trailer for Moon for the first time, immediately sensed that it would be a special film. And I'm glad to see that my expectations were not unfounded. It's really a treat when they appear original science fiction films and lacking in all the paraphernalia and typical Hollywood absurdity. The movie has
place in the future, when Earth is experiencing a stage of energy recovery through the use of helium-3 obtained from the Moon. Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell ) is an astronaut who runs a lunar base from which three huge monitors vehicles ordered to remove the helium from the moon's soil. The task is not easy, as his only companion during the three year duration of the assignment is Gerty (voiced by Kevin Spacey ), a friendly but obviously cold computer (which immediately recalls HAL in 2001 ). Meanwhile, Sam spends his days as you can: making models, tending seedlings, running on the treadmill, etc. The only contact he has with his family, and any other human, is using video recordings to it from time to time as the live communication with Earth is unable to satellite problems. Life on the base, then, is routine and very lonely. But when Sam missing only two weeks to return home, an unexpected event shook their existence in more ways than one, forcing him to raise questions that never would have thought.
is impossible to tell more of the story without going into details that might spoil the surprises the viewer. What I can say is that Moon is a sci-fi film intelligent and adult, the kind that leaves you thinking and, unfortunately, not many in these times. The debutant director Duncan Jones (son of David Bowie ) handles significantly the time of the film, with narration delinquent but surely, making us really interested in what happens to its protagonist. This is also largely due to Sam Rockwell, who delivers perhaps the best work of his career. Present in virtually every frame of film, Rockwell is much more restrained than usual ( Jones has merit in that) and now reaches of great dramatic intensity. What is said, a real tour de force .
The film is beautifully made with a modest budget, and has high production values \u200b\u200bin every way. The music by Clint Mansell , is one of those highlights, helping to create the atmosphere of the film intriguing. The only thing that may disappoint some is the decision of the history, the nature existentialist might expect any conclusions made more "transcendent" or less explicitly. This, however, not enough to detract from this excellent film, although that may not reach the classic status.
Moon Maybe not reach the heights (or depths) of a film like 2001 , but in the meantime Emmerich and turning Bay is more than healthy to enjoy a movie thinking that based its proposal on the special effects and explosions, but in the script, direction and acting. That alone makes it one of the most recommended films of the year. And I have the impression that it is one of those films that are decanting. His images still linger in my head, and I do not go for a while. In fact, in a couple of months maybe you add some Damiancito more ...
In Argentina we saw in the Film Festival Mar del Plata . I do not know when to be released commercially.

The film is beautifully made with a modest budget, and has high production values \u200b\u200bin every way. The music by Clint Mansell , is one of those highlights, helping to create the atmosphere of the film intriguing. The only thing that may disappoint some is the decision of the history, the nature existentialist might expect any conclusions made more "transcendent" or less explicitly. This, however, not enough to detract from this excellent film, although that may not reach the classic status.

In Argentina we saw in the Film Festival Mar del Plata . I do not know when to be released commercially.