Original title: Invictus (USA, 2009) / Address: Clint Eastwood / Cast: Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon / Duration: 133 minutes
At this point discuss skills and qualities as a filmmaker Clint Eastwood is almost ridiculous. Its distinguishing characteristics as a film director is so clear that there is no point criticizing his alleged misconduct since they are precisely the ones who are part of your unique style. Invictus
relates the manner in which the new president Nelson Mandela tried to unite through a South Africa rugby divided. The ailing national team, known as Springbok was the emblem of white South Africa. Black sport, however, was football. People of color made even force against the Springboks in matches. But Mandela understood that to achieve the monitoring of the white minority was essential for him to demonstrate his unconditional support for the selection, most still at the gates of the World Cup that was to be developed just in your country, in 1995. With this attitude, Mandela also sought to ensure that blacks would follow his example and put aside the bitterness toward those whites who had oppressed for so many years. For this plan had the greatest effect, it was necessary for the Springboks they won the competition, which was quite doubtful given the present poor selection. But Mandela put all his energies on his enthusiasm to the players, especially team captain, towards achieving this goal.
As I said, Eastwood is a director who has very distinct characteristics that are already part of his style, but are featured on more than one could criticize. The simplification of the conflict is one of them. Here, all the problems South Africa reduces the resolution of a sporting contest. While the movie is based on a true story, it seems unlikely that blacks and whites may forget what divides only because of rugby. Cultural and political differences are very large, and that undoubtedly led to the shedding of much blood as to be limasen so easily. The film strives to show Mandela as being magnanimous, that despite having suffered years of imprisonment, understands that to look to the future must forgive the past. A more than questionable, no doubt. But one may have actually been driven by nature conciliatory Mandela , but here the character appears at times overly idealized.
The issue of the use of sport as a means of national unity is also worthy to be discussed. Not only for the simplification involved, but because the sport has historically been used by successive governments to deal with the moods of the people. And although in this case the goal is noble, it is still to be a controversial concept: managing a game to lead, or distract, the reality of a country.
But if one leaves aside all the ideological disquisition, will meet with the other traits of Eastwood that makes it so valuable as a director. The way Clint takes his movies is great from the narrative. From the beginning we know where the story goes, what is the main conflict, which the interests of each character. And the film never strays from its firm ride towards its conclusion.
The performances are as good as one might expect. Morgan Freeman gives your Mandela all the presence, composure and poise to which we are accustomed. It's another perfect delivery of one of the big players in recent years. Matt Damon , expanded physically for this film, gives a very accurate performance as Francois Pienaar, captain of the team, who despite coming from a typically racist upbringing falls enthralled by the call for Mandela and listed in the column as the symbol of the cause led by the president.
In conclusion, those who choose that style of Eastwood is questionable (simplified situations, one-dimensional supporting characters, clichés) have here enough to feel uncomfortable. By contrast, those who value the expertise Clint narrative, they will enjoy a flawless film in that regard. Let's say I'm halfway there ... But on the other hand, it is difficult to attack a movie that has such good intentions and seeks to convey a very positive message. Perhaps Eastwood media not ideal, but the kind you do with the heart. So let's leave it to Clint a little quiet. Not everyone is shooting with this energy Pirulos eighties. That should be viewed. Invictus
opens in Argentina on 28 January.

The issue of the use of sport as a means of national unity is also worthy to be discussed. Not only for the simplification involved, but because the sport has historically been used by successive governments to deal with the moods of the people. And although in this case the goal is noble, it is still to be a controversial concept: managing a game to lead, or distract, the reality of a country.
But if one leaves aside all the ideological disquisition, will meet with the other traits of Eastwood that makes it so valuable as a director. The way Clint takes his movies is great from the narrative. From the beginning we know where the story goes, what is the main conflict, which the interests of each character. And the film never strays from its firm ride towards its conclusion.

In conclusion, those who choose that style of Eastwood is questionable (simplified situations, one-dimensional supporting characters, clichés) have here enough to feel uncomfortable. By contrast, those who value the expertise Clint narrative, they will enjoy a flawless film in that regard. Let's say I'm halfway there ... But on the other hand, it is difficult to attack a movie that has such good intentions and seeks to convey a very positive message. Perhaps Eastwood media not ideal, but the kind you do with the heart. So let's leave it to Clint a little quiet. Not everyone is shooting with this energy Pirulos eighties. That should be viewed. Invictus
opens in Argentina on 28 January.