Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spanish Catholic Wedding Programs

A meme Double Review: Crazy Heart / An Achievable Dream

while ago that I do a double review, but I think it's okay now, mainly because I'm going to talk about the movies starring the Oscar-winning lead performance. I also believe that both unites a characteristic: they are stories that take place in very American, but actually seek universal themes. So here goes:

Corazón Loco

Original title: Crazy Heart (USA, 2009) / Address: Scott Cooper / Cast : Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Colin Farrell, Robert Duvall / Duration: 112 minutes

Many have pointed out, this desire to always want to compare this film was wrestler this year. And the truth is that the comparison is not entirely whimsical. As in that film of Darren Aronofsky , here is a character in decline ever was the best thing, but now only few and appreciated by their loyal fans. And, as in that film, the film would not be justified if it were not for its central performance. As in The Wrestler Mickey Rourke loaded on their weighted with the film, delivering a performance that put him in the foreground nuevamanente here Jeff Bridges is the one who loads the film. Although in his case, unlike Rourke, his is a continuity in what has been a nearly flawless race.
Bad Blake is a legend of country music, and far from their best years, toured the USA route to playing in small bars in remote villages. To make your life more bearable, is given to drink 24 hours a day, so that their actions sometimes end sooner than expected. It also has to endure to see how Tommy Sweet , a young man whom he paved the way for country music, is now the biggest star of the genre. In one of his trips in the city of Santa Fe, Bad meets a young reporter ( Maggie Gyllenhaal), a single mother, with whom he begins a relationship. But the addition of Bad to drink will be a serious obstacle to both.

The first thing to say about this film is that it has many original things to say. I think anyone who has read the previous lines you will notice is a story that sounds familiar. But the best thing about the movie is precisely everything that is not: melodramatic, sensationalist, exaggerated. This no doubt is largely due to Bridges, who has a very natural way of acting that never seems to be, just acting. With a look that reminds a lot Kris Kristofferson, Bridges delivers a complete picture of this musician finish. What we see on screen is not a character, but a person. If Bridges deserved or not Oscar for this work is a debatable issue (as with all awards). For that matter, the actor has given performances of similar quality to it several times. But let's say that Jeff Bridges finally have an Oscar your shelf is not at all unfair.

The film can be seen, but as I will not present any surprises, and it is very possible that some of you are bored with history. Depend on your mood and feel connection with this solitary figure who has systematically removed their loved ones. Those who also appreciate the value of a player with all the letters, have much to enjoy. And if you like country music (strange thing in our country), the soundtrack is very good. And Bridges sings really well, if something was missing.

An Achievable Dream

Original title: The Blind Side (USA, 2009) / Address: John Lee Hancock / Cast: Sandra Bullock Quentin Aaron, Tim McGraw, Kathy Bates / Duration: 129 minutes

is appropriate to talk about this movie right after Crazy heart, because the comparison is most relevant. While that is noted for its naturalness and realism, it makes for its history forced sweetened and lacks credibility. Something really ironic, considering that it is based on a true story.
The Blind Side tells the story of Michael Oher , a young black man of humble origins who arrives at a private school because of their athletic skills. With a large physical proportions, Michael is extremely introverted boy, with seemingly little lights, which all look like a freak. But everything changed when Leigh Anne Tuohy , an upper class woman and mother of two students from one school, when he realized that Big Mike (as all you say) has no where to sleep, invites him to stay at home. What follows is the story of how this woman took this young man under his wing, integrating family and help you advance your career.

I have to say that at no time did the story get me. I thought that their development is slow and uninteresting characters. The way that this woman took this guy, and how his family accepted him, it seemed very artificial. All this is based on a true story does not mean the film is necessarily realistic ... As I said, it all sounded very calculated, very prefabricated. Now to the more publicized of this film, which is the performance of Sandra Bullock . It is true that as Leigh Anne , the headstrong and bold upper-class Southern, Bullock does a good job coming out of their usual record. But more than that: a change of pace as the Yankees say. In other words, is an interesting and different performance for someone like Sandra Bullock , but did not seem worthy of an Oscar, really. I can not intermarry with the prize awarded to Julia Roberts by Erin Brokovich , another award-winning performance that was exaggerated. For Blind side also happens that the cast that surrounds Bullock has the charisma of a slug, which makes it more prominent. Beginning by rookie Quinton Aaron as Michael (ok, the character is, but that does not keep a plunger is not looking at it), and passing by country singer Tim McGraw the role of wealthy husband Leigh Anne .

Anyway. The truth that I have much more to say about this film that is clear, I like very little. Is everything okay with the life history and personal achievement, but when the strings are long, you lose a little grace.

An Achievable Dream premiered in Argentina on March 18


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