Original title: Carancho (Argentina, 2010) / Address: Pablo Trapero / Cast : Ricardo Darin, Martina Gusman, Carlos Weber, José Luis Arias, Gabriel Almiron / Duration: 107 minutes
Sosa is a traffic accident lawyer; Luján is a medical at night through the city by ambulance to assist victims of accidents. Amid a gloomy atmosphere, full of despair and corruption, initiate a relationship difficult and uncertain future. The "dangerous liaisons" that Sosa has managed to get put at risk not only their romance, but both their lives.
is healthy to have in Argentina with filmmakers like Pablo Trapero , a guy who by now has on his back a body of work that ranks among the most prominent and reliable managers of our environment. Since that Crane World (1999) until now, Trapero has shown growth and evolution permanent, escaping from that generation of Argentine filmmakers who based his proposal on the simple but often showing not have much to tell.
Trapero achieved Carancho a film with great nerve, using for this a permanent camera in hand. And while the aesthetic ends up being very natural, the truth is that it shows a very important staging. There are long takes with no editing cuts are obviously the product of careful planning. Beyond the differences between the two films, a pair of continuous shots reminded me of Children of Men , both by the use of handheld camera like the realism they convey.
Darin brings his usual solvency, and feature a role in his career: that of a type essentially good but that life and environment have been leading to the dark side. Martina Gusman also plays a good job, although his style of acting (according to the director, who is both her husband) has a lower profile than Darin , so sometimes the figure pales when side of him.
level "revelatory" the film does little, as the underworld of ambulances, accidents and night have been fairly covered by various television programs in recent years ( E24, Police in action, etc). But used effectively to serve the world the story of his protagonists.
A highly recommended film. Of course, dark and depressing. But very well done, which is what ultimately matters.

Darin brings his usual solvency, and feature a role in his career: that of a type essentially good but that life and environment have been leading to the dark side. Martina Gusman also plays a good job, although his style of acting (according to the director, who is both her husband) has a lower profile than Darin , so sometimes the figure pales when side of him.

A highly recommended film. Of course, dark and depressing. But very well done, which is what ultimately matters.
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