Original title: The Bad Lieutenant: Port of call - New Orleans (USA, 2009) / Address: Werner Herzog / Cast: Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Val Kilmer, Fairuza Balk, Xzibit, Brad Dourif, Jennifer Coolidge, Michael Shannon / Duration: 122 minutes
" What difficult for me," said Alejandro Lerner . And I, too difficult, but not load the luggage, but put up with Nicolas Cage . Actor prone to exaggeration and to act in films farts, but it has an undeniable intensity and, if well managed, the ability to create different characters. And this is the case Bad Lieutenant: Port of call - New Orlean s, film in which the typical pose exacerbated Cage has a legitimate reason for being.
Terence McDonagh is a New Orleans cop who lives on the edge. While his police career is on the rise, his personal life is quite violent. Addicted to cocaine (or any drug that falls into their hands), an inveterate gambler, with a back injury that causes chronic pain, "boyfriend" with a prostitute with powerful clients, the son of an alcoholic father, and several etceteras more ... One day McDonagh received the case of a Senegalese immigrant family murdered in their home, which will lead him to investigate a local drug dealer would be the alleged murderer. But the truth is that the research itself is not the most important film, but everything that happens around the life of the police.
For those who believe that this is kind of a remake or continuation of Bad lieutenant of Abel Ferrara with Harvey Keitel , I said no. The only common point between the two films (besides the title) is that its protagonist is an addict and corrupt police. But while that was a dark drama, full of guilt, this is more bizarre, with an elaborate sense of humor and lack of heavy redemption attempt by its central character. With the same title because both films are from the same producers, and wanted to take advantage of this. But it is a pity, in my opinion, as it removes some entity in this film that has its merits in its own right.
The story begins in New Orleans post Katrina. A devastated city, almost in ruins. And although the film does so much emphasis on the situation of the city, it uses this depressing scenario as background for his story. McDonagh , like the city is quite undone. Tolerating a back injury that forced him to take painkillers for life, and makes you walk lightly twisted, first undertake an almost personal with the investigation, until the chaotic circumstances of his private life be shifting their way all the time.
I should clarify that Bad lieutenant is a very strange film, with a very personal style. Its director is Werner Herzog almost legendary German filmmaker recognized, among other things, for his films with Klaus Kinski , actor who was much more crazy than Cage. The movie, which could be defined as a crime drama, at times becomes a very dark comedy, and that requires a particular sense of humor to be enjoyed. Especially funny are the ways in which Cage is made of all the drugs that pass before his eyes. So, although the story is depressing and sordid, the film never makes us feel sad with what is seen. But this is not true for a cool humor to Tarantino. In that sense it is more bizarre. And in fact has a couple of scenes that can be simply described as "bizarre" as the footage of the iguanas ...
I think that the enjoyment of the movie is going to spend much tolerance one has of Cage, who appears almost all the time. As I said, is an actor who bear little, but in this case its performance style matches the tone of the film. And if While there are moments where it goes a little mambo, his performance is intense and, as I said, fun. But beware, you have to bank ... It is also good input from Eva Mendes and his girlfriend, plus the colorful cast.
Bad lieutenant is a rare film, at times bewildering, but always interesting. And that is a reminder that Nicolas Cage , under the right circumstances, can yield much. He had already shown in Leaving Las Vegas (1995) and Adaptation (2002). Is it only seven years ago type stuff? We'll see what it does in 2016. Meanwhile, surely make 4 or 5 movies with Michael Bay . He, like the character, also has to pay several debts, it seems.
Bad Lieutenant New Orleans opens in Argentina on Thursday 4 marz0.

The story begins in New Orleans post Katrina. A devastated city, almost in ruins. And although the film does so much emphasis on the situation of the city, it uses this depressing scenario as background for his story. McDonagh , like the city is quite undone. Tolerating a back injury that forced him to take painkillers for life, and makes you walk lightly twisted, first undertake an almost personal with the investigation, until the chaotic circumstances of his private life be shifting their way all the time.

I think that the enjoyment of the movie is going to spend much tolerance one has of Cage, who appears almost all the time. As I said, is an actor who bear little, but in this case its performance style matches the tone of the film. And if While there are moments where it goes a little mambo, his performance is intense and, as I said, fun. But beware, you have to bank ... It is also good input from Eva Mendes and his girlfriend, plus the colorful cast.

Bad Lieutenant New Orleans opens in Argentina on Thursday 4 marz0.