Furthermore, 77% of mothers exclusively dedicated to baby. Of the women who combine caring for the baby and work, 40% complain that their company does not promote reconciliation. However, 87% of English women want to be mothers, but, increasingly, it's past 30y comply with the "couple" as much.

transmitting the father and mother
Although personal value can be transmitted from father to son, does not mean that the father and son later share exactly the same values. For example, the father stands in the transmission of values \u200b\u200brelated to the ideas about work. And the mother is important in the transmission of self-determination: do whatever you want as you will.

of adolescents
Teens and young adults not only take the values \u200b\u200bof their parents passively, but also socialize their parents, they learn to communicate with other individuals. Roes
established that adolescents influence their parents about the values \u200b\u200bassociated with the enjoyment of life.
Since 120 patients in 2005 to 506 in 2008, according to the health center in a statement. In particular, cases of insemination with donor sperm has increased by 200%. Indeed, the most common treatment for women who want to be a single parent is the insemination donor (AID) and 40% of these interventions in IVI clinics last year were performed on women who came alone, while in 2005 this figure accounted for 20%.
Dr. Antonio Requena said that "women's economic independence and greater social acceptance of different family types are reflected in the treatments Current assisted reproduction, since in 2008 there were 481 donor insemination compared to the 128 that were made four years earlier, in patients without a partner. "The profile of the mother is a woman between 35 and 45 year olds having university.
notable addition to the increase in donor artificial insemination, there is also a growing trend in the rest of Assisted Reproductive Treatments to single mothers who are held in the IVI centers, such as in vitro fertilization, ICSI, egg donation and vitrification. Thus, the increase in four years was 320% in this group.
He has also experienced significant growth vitrification of oocytes, which in the past two years has increased by 228%. This treatment allows the postponement of motherhood in women who have sought professional development or who did not want to be single parents and, when they decide to start a family, their oocytes remain fertile age when conservation.
The rest ... read us next year!
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