Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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theft church bells in the unprotected

Most churches in Galicia, most of them scattered and settled largely in uninhabited suffer attacks every few minutes, although there is very little to steal, as are not objects of worship or four euros for the brushes, which are often stored in piggy banks, because the priests are responsible to lead you to safer place. The images, mostly more sentimental than artistic, also disappeared from almost all the temples, some because the stolen and others to have been sold to antique dealers for ridiculously low prices.
Goas As Church. The bell tower without bells. Image PROGRESS
But were the bells, that although they now have little use in his day were basic parts in the villages to which the faithful learn the trades of worship. I say were because I also started to steal, as happened in the parish of Goas As in Abadín municipality in the north of Lugo. According to the complaint lodged by the pastor before the Civil Guard, were bronze and value of around four thousand. Hung in the steeple, and one of them had a considerable size, weighing three hundred kilos, that will go to a junk store. was a piece that was cast in the eighteenth century, which increases its value, because besides the material has the seniority.


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