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In an era of war on snuff, we look back and see that from the 20 to almost 60, smoking, and elegant, was beneficial to health, and was recommended by celebrities, doctors and even Father Christmas, who could refuse to light a cigarette? .The New York Public Library have made an exhibition of posters from the years 1927 and 1954, where actors, doctors and dentists, praising the qualities of smoking on health, besides being good for relieve anxiety, lose weight, and energize. These posters were inserted in the largest circulation magazines of the time .
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The companies spent millions of dollars paid to famous actors and production companies to film for the actors in the film came out smoking (although some were smokers), and it was normal for major companies like Paramount Warner associate with tobacco companies such as Lucky Strike or Chesterfield. American Tobacco alone paid the late 30's the modern equivalent to 3.2 million dollars to several actors and actresses who smoked cigarettes for Lucky Strike, in fact, a study says movies classics like "Casablanca", helped to disseminate smoking. .
Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Bette Davis, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Spencer Tracy, Joan Crawford, and a long list of actors of the time were on the payroll of several glamorous tobacco by showing what it was carrying a cigarette in hands, including the actor and then president Ronald Reagan was in this list.
But more curious are those, for example, 20,679 psychiatrists recommended the snuff to relax ("I'll kill the rest of the CIA?) .
These doctors recommended smoking Camel better than another brand (must be shown that this is good for health and the other not, I'll buy a package to see.)
Best of all, your dentist will recommend smoking not have realized that fashion was black teeth in Japan for several centuries, so the dentist does not teach his own ad
But if you're still against the snuff, here's the final campaign to override our will. at this time, if smoking Santa Claus, who can refuse?, that would go against the spirit of Christmas. I'm going to start smoking now .
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