S i to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg seems excessive to condemn the English Justice Otegi to a year in jail for saying that the King is the chief of the torturers, the more they seem to be fined the State with 23,000 euros for it. As that implies, protects democracy leader batasuno to say what Pete over the head of state, injurious to charges for which needs no proof. In any case, without having to enter into legal treatises, with arguments for or against both theses, which is still perceived out there, even in something as serious as a tribunal to ensure the rights humans, is that the Basque terrorists but criminals are misunderstood by the liberation fighters and independence of their country and kill so it is not murder but a gesture of protest set. It is as follows, of redeemers and non-criminals who settled on the innocent. As if freedom of expression was consistent with hitting shots go.
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