Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lifespan Of Sperm In Cervix

Lugo strange phobias, obsessive Dislikes that humans suffer

Most times we do not even realize it, but the truth is that human suffering incredible phobias, obsessive dislikes hard to imagine that those who suffer torment, also by the misunderstanding of those surrounding the victims. WEAVING THE WORLD In , one of the pages I usually visit often, I found a job of some interest to those with the interest in learning more about this type of psychological disorders.


When fear makes us very vulnerable

Who has not had (or has) a phobia throughout their life?. Without going any further I was afraid of spiders (arachnophobia) appears to be one of the most common. As wine was now up to play with them, which leads me to wonder: where do phobias?. How do I install these irrational fears in the brain?. Our brain misinterprets a real danger signal through thought, we believe that something is threatening us and our body responds to that threat is real or not. It is a survival mechanism.
The term " phobia" comes from the Greek word phobos, meaning fear, fear. The phobias are a psychological disorder that has a large impact on the world's population. One in twenty or so people have a phobia of one kind or another. What are they? The diagnostic manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV) defines as a "marked and persistent fear is excessive or unreasonable, cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation ." A phobic person feels an exaggerated fear and without real support in certain situations or objects, and sometimes this can even cause physical discomfort, uncontrollable tremors, dizziness, excessive sweating, palpitations, anxiety, etc. In the most extreme cases, may generate true panic attacks (I can vouch).
So far everything is normal, claustrophobia, hydrophobia, agoraphobia, arachnophobia, are all normal phobias, but did you know the amount of strange phobias in the world?. I have come to find more than 500 and more than 50% of them are false, but between real arguably there is something for all tastes, and so rare, you think ... But can anyone really to have this phobia?. We may find
dislikes of various types, to approach certain people , if someone comes screaming when she sees you, it may not be your perfume, but that person suffers from:

Pentherafobia : Fear-law.
Syngenesofobia : Fear of relatives.
Socerafobia: Fear laws.
Cacofobia: Fear of ugliness or ugly people yourself.
Caliginefobia: Fear of pretty girls.
Cipridofobia: Fear of prostitutes.
Efebifobia: Fear adolescents.
Pedofobia : Fear of children.
Autofobia: Fear yourself.
Peladofobia : Fear of bald people. This sounds like a joke ...

Fear scary things:
Bogifobia: Fear of the bogeyman, the monster in the closet, leaving the hand under the bed ...

Taphefobia : Fear of being buried alive.
Wiccafobia : Fear of witches.
Sciofobia : Fear of shadows.

A number
Hexakosioihexekontahexafobia - Fear 666. It is more difficult to pronounce to have it. There is more chance they have who have: Satanofobia : Fear of Satan.
Triskaidekafobia : Fear of the number 13.
Octofobia Fear Parascevedecatriafobia number 8
Fear of Friday 13
Tetrafobia Fear
number four.

Fear objects
Consecotaleofobia: Fear of chopsticks.
Aulofobia : Fear of flutes.
Rabdofobia: Fear of magic wand.
Araquibutirofobia: Fear of peanut shells.
Pediofobia : Fear of dolls.
Bibliofobia : Fear of books.
Eisoptrofobia : Fear of mirrors or look in a mirror.
Crometofobia : Fear of money.
Xirofobia : Fear of a barber's razor.

Alektorofobia : Fear of chickens.

The more complicated because they correspond to parts of your body.
Dextrofobia: Fear of objects at the right side.
Levofobia : Fear of things on the left side of the body.
Optofobia: Fear eyes open.
Psychofobia: Fear of mind.
Colpofobia : Fear of genitals.
Tapinofobia : Fear of being infectious or contagious disease.

Fear situations
Catisofobia : Fear of sitting.
Estasifobia: Fear standing.
Araquibutirofobia : Fear of any sticky substance to stick to the palate. Usually occurs among people who eat peanut butter.
Pteronofobia : Fear of Tickling feathers.
Fagofobia : Fear of food.
Falofobia : Fear of an erection.
Fronemofobia : Fear of thinking.
Kinesofobia: Fear of movement.
Ablutofobia : Fear of washing or bathing.
Ithyphallofobia : Fear of what others think of having his penis erect.
mysophobia : Fear of contamination with dirt and germs.

Epistemofobia: Fear of knowing and knowledge.


The best:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliofobia : Fear of long words.
Panofobia : Fear of everything ...
The one I have now:
llodoxafobia : Fear of the opinions of others. When someone criticizes me, a kitten kills himself.


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